Island Travel Bucket List

I have always had a connection with The Beach Boys. Growing up, whenever I heard them or a song being covered, I always felt like I was living the true island life. I love driving around and then having one of their songs come on the radio!

Most recently, Kokomo came on. Oh, how I love that song! The beat and the rhythm makes you just want to get up, go to the beach and chill out!

So, as you may or may not know, in the song, they mention a few island in this wonderful Caribbean area. This got me thinking, I decided to make a list of those places and to visit them before my life reaches its ending!

Here are the places mentioned in the song, as well as other places I want to visit! (The places that are bold are places I have already visited)

– Bermuda
– Bahamas
– Key Largo
– Montego
– Martinique 
– Monsterrat 
– Port au Prince (Haiti)
– St Maarten
– Saba
– St Eustatius
– Trinidad
– Tobago
– Cayman Islands
– Hawaii
– Tahiti
– Bora Bora
– Fiji
– Philippines
– Puerto Rico
– New Zealand
– Australia
– Curaçao (heck, I was born there!)
– Isla Margarita (Venezuela)
– Greece

Just some of the many places I wish to visit!



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