First day of college!

Today was the beginning of classes!  I am officially a college student!

I had four of my six classes today: Intro to Psych, Calculus 1, General Chemistry 1 and First Year Experience. Tomorrow I have my other two courses: The Whole Earth Course and Composition & Rhetoric.

So, my major is Oceanography. Duh right? I am pretty sure there are only two other freshmen that are studying Oceanography this year. Both are girls!

On top of this major milestone today, today was the solar eclipse! It was interesting to see the light change, it made me think of a TV set at night when they are filming a daytime scene. My roommate and I asked some teachers with eclipse glasses if we could borrow them for a quick sec. We were able to see the eclipse at its peak for our area.

Today we didn’t really do any lessons, we just went through the syllabus for each class. I am pretty excited to get started with this fall semester!


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